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Full Circle: Lotus, 2002 neg.241236.4.12.2002

20″x16″ 51x40cm paper, 14½” x 14½” 37x37cm image, edition of 15
Silver gelatin print on fiber base Ilford full matte paper

Full Circle: Lotus, 2003 neg.249461.2.15.2003

20″x16″ 51x40cm paper, 14½” x 14½” 37x37cm image, edition of 15
Silver gelatin print on fiber base Ilford full matte paper

Full Circle: Lotus, 2003 neg.253842.1.19.2004

20″x16″ 51x40cm paper, 14½” x 14½” 37x37cm image, edition of 15
Silver gelatin print on fiber base Ilford full matte paper

Full Circle: Lotus, 2003 neg.249461.2.3.2003

20″x16″ 51x40cm paper, 14½” x 14½” 37x37cm image, edition of 15
Silver gelatin print on fiber base Ilford full matte paper

Full Circle: Lotus, 2003 neg.249461.1.17.2003

20″x16″ 51x40cm paper, 14½” x 14½” 37x37cm image, edition of 15
Silver gelatin print on fiber base Ilford full matte paper

Full Circle: Lotus, 2002 neg.241236.4.11.2002

20″x16″ 51x40cm paper, 14½” x 14½” 37x37cm image, edition of 15
Silver gelatin print on fiber base Ilford full matte paper

Full Circle: Lotus, 2009 neg.222323.3.14.2009

20″x16″ 51x40cm paper, 14½” x 14½” 37x37cm image, edition of 15
Silver gelatin print on fiber base Ilford full matte paper

Full Circle: Lotus, 2009 neg.222323.3.17.2009

20″x16″ 51x40cm paper, 14½” x 14½” 37x37cm image, edition of 15
Silver gelatin print on fiber base Ilford full matte paper

Full Circle: Lotus, 2005 neg.261686.1.9.2005

20″x16″ 51x40cm paper, 14½” x 14½” 37x37cm image,edition of 15
Silver gelatin print on fiber base Ilford full matte paper

Full Circle: Lotus, 2005 neg.261686.1.6.2005

20″x16″ 51x40cm paper, 14½” x 14½” 37x37cm image, edition of 15
Silver gelatin print on fiber base Ilford full matte paper

Full Circle: Lotus, 2005 neg.261686.1.8.2005

20″x16″ 51x40cm paper, 14½” x 14½” 37x37cm image, edition of 15
Silver gelatin print on fiber base Ilford full matte paper

Full Circle: Lotus, 2005 neg.261686.1.18.2005

20″x16″ 51x40cm paper, 14½” x 14½” 37x37cm image, edition of 15
Silver gelatin print on fiber base Ilford full matte paper

38½”x 38½” 47x47cm unique print available
Silver gelatin print on fiber base Ilford full matte paper